Today I stuck not only my fingers but my whole hand into the Dyson Air Multiplier™. This new desk fan from Dyson has no blades and no safety grille simply because it doesn’t need any.
With no blades or grille, it’s easy to clean and also has touch-tilt, 90° oscillation and dimmer-switch power control. It’s a very cool design, simple, nice, sleek and edgy. I love it!

How it works -->
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I want one its fab woudn't have to worry about my son putting his fingers in that what a great idear!! Dyson does it again :)
Exquisite Acc.
Glad to see you online again ^_^
I know it's expensive but Mr Dyson is a genius. He finds issues that need to be solved with our appliances. The great thing is that it will eventually be able to afford it. Meanwhile i'm with I will stick with my $30 fan.
I agree with you Welcome Home. It's really a good start and great gadget. Looking forward to see the affordable one as well.
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