If only they had one for me! I love these laptop cases! Unfortunately, they don't have one for my 17-inch, at least, not yet. All I can do for now is put these awesome BookBook covers on my wishlist.
Oh Suki, thank you for the lovely comment on my flowers! I also love this laptop cases! It`s a very good idea! And I sent you an email about the blog button :) thank you so much for all the help! Have a great day
a design diary ..................................... a cornucopia of fantabulous designs that make me go oooh! ..................................... About
Studio Suki is a creative company with an international outlook, a hands-on approach, and a serious commitment to simplicity and quality. Visit us at www.studiosukidesign.com .....................................
Oh Suki, thank you for the lovely comment on my flowers!
I also love this laptop cases! It`s a very good idea!
And I sent you an email about the blog button :) thank you so much for all the help! Have a great day
Love this labtop case arn't they Devine!!
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